Welcome to the Video Advisory Platform

Video chat with our Career Officer to address career-related queries.

Fill in the following details to connect with our officer through a video callReceive quick basic career advisory over a live video call. Please note that the video call service is for Singaporeans and PRs only.

Please allow pop-ups in your browser to launch the video page. Click here to gather the checklist for the video call!

* denotes mandatory fields.
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By clicking the "Proceed to Live Video Chat" button below, I confirm that all the information given in this form is true and accurate. I understand that any false information may result in refusal of services by WSG.

For better connectivity, we recommend using the following supported device, OS and web browser (latest version):
  • Desktop/Laptop
    • Windows or Mac OS
      • Google Chrome
      • Mozilla Firefox
      • Microsoft Edge
    • Mac OS only
      • Safari
  • Tablet/Mobile ^
    • Android
      • Google Chrome
    • iOS
      • Safari
^ Please note that screen sharing is only supported on desktop. You would be able to see the screen shared, if any.